Are we really living?

Today, many people ask themselves if they are really living.


This question can be approached in two ways. In a philosophical way, or in a way that is reflecting society’s views.


If we were to try to explain and answer the question of ‘Are we really living?’ in a philosophical way, we would never get anywhere due to differing opinions and views. Some say that we experience 7 minutes of our lives when we die, which seems to last forever, so the question asks if we are in this state of uncertainty right now. But, as with most things, you can never be sure.


My opinion sways more to society’s influence. Many young people today suffer from body issues and suffer from mental health issues such as depressions etc. Many people spend their lives existing and being alive, but are not actually living. Parents and adults scald us young people for spending time alone or spending time in our rooms because they think we are being lazy, or because we don’t want to talk to anyone, when in actual fact, some teenagers spend a lot of their time in their room because this is the only place that they feel whole. In the privacy of an insecure teenager’s room, there is no competition and there is no stimulus to make this person feel they are worthless. Many teenagers, and in fact all people do not live because they do not feel themselves to be worthy of it. And this is something that needs to be changed. Body image scares are forever growing in the media, pushing our young generations further and further into a downward spiral of self hatred. We as a society do not acknowledge these things because we do not want to deal with the problems that will arise when this self hatred problem is tackled, because they know that more problems will surface. 


We cannot change everything about ourselves, but we can change the amount of belief we have in ourselves


“Believing you can do something means that you’re already half way there’



sh4nnon1 x


Everybody has experienced the Monday Blues at some point in their lives, BUT here are my tips to banish those Monday Blues




  1.  TAKE A HOT BATHNothing will feel better than to shh your troubles and blues with hot water, scented candles and quiet music. Trust me, this one works a treat

  2. HAVE A MINI PAMPER SESSION~ Throw on a face-mask, and providing your obligations for the next day, either school or work allow it, find something therapeutic to do such as painting your nails. You’ll end up spending some quality time relaxing and you’ll have something you’re proud of and like looking at at the end! 

  3.  GO TO BED EARLIER~ Try to get into bed at a reasonable hour, meaning you have to spend less time of Monday awake and also you won’t feel so groggy the next day! If this tip is also done on a Sunday night, then your Monday will already improve if you’re feeling rested.

  4. PLAN OUT YOUR TIME~ Plan out your time for Monday night! Try to get your homework or work done waaay before the night arises, meaning you have as much time to relax as possible and you can settle knowing that all your work is done!

  5. WATCH YOUR FAVOURITE FILM OR TV SHOW~ Nothing cheers me up like a good ol’ episode of FRIENDS, so find a show and watch contently, without thinking about anything else for that period of time.

  6. WEAR COMFY CLOTHING~ When I am at home, i’m never in anything but my pyjamas, so throw on your onesie or your pyjamas and make the most of lounging around. Being in your pyjamas makes everyone feel cosy and relaxed!


These tips won’t instantly make you love Mondays, but they sure make it a heck of a lot easier:)



Don’t forget to follow, comment and like down below and i’ll speak to you on my next post!


Good Luck!

love sh4nnon1 x